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Company News

Energy Efficient Ultra-Low charge DX chiller will soon be ready for demonstration

 Chiller01 web 

We have now received our Ultra-Low Charge DX chiller from testing at Karlsruhe University. The chiller, a high-end DX chiller designed by Christof Fisher GmbH, can operate with both superheat and vapor quality control systems. The test shows a remarkable improvement In SEPR by 46 % just by replacing the conventional super heat control by vapor quality control. When the chiller is controlled by the vapor quality sensor it complies with the EcoDesign directive – a remarkable result for an Ultra-Low charge DX Chiller.


Design of the Chiller

The chiller is designed with two plate heat exchangers operating as evaporator and condenser both are liquid heated/cooled. The charge is 4 kg ammonia (R717) and the capacity is 100 kW. The temperature settings are 12/7 °C to match EC 2016/228 regulation following the EU EcoDesign directive making it comparable to other chillers.
The chiller is built for testing the new control system and equipped with multiple sensors for measurement of flow, temperature, and pressure and perfect for testing and demonstration.

 Chiller plate exchangers web


Will soon be ready for demonstration

The chiller will be installed in our headquarter in Denmark during the autumn. The plan is to install it and use it for heating and to invite everybody interested in the technology to come visit us for demonstrations and workshops.

For further information please contact Henrik Kudsk hk@hbproducts.dk